There will be multiple choice type question (except some of the questions for aptitude test for Architecture). The number of questions will be sixty(60) per each hour of examination. Each question shall have four answers (including one or more correct answer(s)) and the examinee shall have to blacken only the appropriate circle(which he/she considers most correct) in HB pencil or black / blue ball point. Each correct answer shall fetch four marks whereas each incorrect answer will lead to deduction of one mark. Each unattempted question will fetch zero. If more than one circles are darkened for one question, it will be treated as an incorrect answer and one mark will be deducted.
The Answer Sheet consists of two pages, the top one is the Original answer sheet whereas the annexed one is the carbon copy.
The Part – A of the original sheet contains the details such as Roll No., Question Booklet number, Name and signature of the candidate, Name of the centre, Signature of the Invigilator.
The Part – B of the answer sheet is meant for recording the answers by darkening the appropriate circle(s) by the candidate. Whatever impression of written/marked on the main sheet, will be reproduced in the second sheet. This will be detached by the invigilator and returned to the candidates at the end of the examination.
Retotalling and Review
The JEE Answer sheet are all machine evaluated with adequate care that machine evaluation is made error free. The joint Entrance Examination is held only for preparing a relative merit list. There is no award of class. Mark sheets are not issued in general. A candidate, may however request for verification with a verification fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) in the shape of an Account payee demand draft in favour “JEE-2006” drawn on any nationalized bank at Rourkela should reach the JEE office within seven calendar days of the publication of result. A committee will manually verify the results and its decision will be final and binding. No Xerox copy of the answer sheet(s) will be made available to the candidate.
Wrong /Correct ways of Marking
Each question is followed by answers which have numbers A B C and D. Select the most appropriate answer. Then by using HB pencil or black / blue ball pen darken the circle bearing the correct answer in the answer sheet against the corresponding number of the question. The wrong & correct method of answering is illustrated below.
Wrong & Correct Methods of showing your answer
Issue of Marks
Candidates desirous of knowing subject wise marks secured by them should make a written request enclosing a demand draft of Rs.200/- (Rupees two hundred only) in favour of “JEE-2006” drawn on any Nationalised Bank at Rourkela, so as to reach the JEE office within 10 days of the publication of result.
Sample Questions
With reference to their units which of the following is different from other three.
Phase difference
Loudness of sound
Mechanical Equivalent of heat
Poission’s Ratio
One of the most common enzyme found in peroxisome is
Silicon tetrafloride gas hydrolised by water to produce