Final Status of PHARMACY (GE) after 04.08.05 (Day End)
Final Status of ENGINEERING (GE) after 04.08.05 (Day End)
Final Status of ARCHITECTURE (GE) after 03.08.05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (GE) on 03/08/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GE) on 03/08/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (GE) on 02/08/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (GE) on 02/08/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GE) on 02/08/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (GE) on 01/08/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (GE) on 01/08/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GE) on 01/08/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (GE) on 31/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (GE) on 31/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GE) on 31/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (GE) on 30/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (GE) on 30/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GE) on 30/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (GE) on 29/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (GE) on 29/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GE) on 29/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (GE) on 28/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (GE) on 28/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GE) on 28/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (GE) on 27/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (GE) on 27/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GE) on 27/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (GE) on 26/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GE) on 26/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (NR) on 24/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (GC) on 24/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (GC) on 24/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (PH) on 24/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GC) on 24/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (SC) on 23/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GC) on 23/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (SC) on 23/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (GC) on 23/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (MI) on 22/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (PH) on 22/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (MI) on 22/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (MI) on 22/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ARCHITECTURE (SC) on 21/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of PHARMACY (SC) on 21/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (SC) on 21/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING (ST) on 20/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING(STWO) on 19/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING(SCWO) on 19/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING Till 9:15 am 19/07/05
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING on 18/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING on 17/07/05 (Day End)
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING Till 9:15 am 17/07/05
Counselling Status of ENGINEERING Till 11:00 pm 16/07/05
Counselling Status of MEDICAL/BDS Till 5:30 pm 15/07/05
Counselling Status of MEDICAL/BDS Till 3:00 pm 15/07/05
Counselling Status of MCA Till 7:00 pm 14/07/05
Counselling Status of MBA Till 9:00 pm 14/07/05
Counselling Status Till 12:30 pm 14/07/05
Counselling Status Till 5:15 pm 13/07/05
Counselling Status Till 7:30 pm 12/07/05
Counselling Status Till 5:15pm 10/07/05
Counselling Status Till 7:20 pm 09/07/05
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