All the Principals / In-Charge of Admission
Constituent Colleges / Affiliated Colleges of BPUT
SUBJECT: Notifications on the BPUT Web Site
On the above subject, it is notified that
• All the Notices pertaining to Examinations; Results as well as all major decisions of the BPUT Orissa, shall be put up only on the Web Site and soon we shall discontinue with the practice of sending faxes / telephone calls for the purpose of communication. Some major decisions are given below.
• In order to introduce enhanced transparency in the process of invigilation during examination, it is requested that –
»The colleges with an intake capacity of more than 400 students should spare at least 10 faculty and those with less than 400 students should spare 5 faculty (with more than two years’ experience) to act as invigilators during the examinations. There shall be an exchange of such invigilators amongst the colleges in order to ensure that the invigilation in a particular college would be managed only by faculties of an outside college/es. They will be paid as per University rules.
• In order to maintain a greater discipline during coding / evaluation process: