The Principal of the college, where the examination is to be conducted will act as the Centre Superintendent. The following instruction regarding the conduct of examination is to be followed.
Handling of Confidential Material for the Examination |
Question Papers in sealed packets will be sent to the colleges / to be received by authorized persons sent by respective colleges (with authorization letter) one / two days before the examination. The material will be stored under safe custody of the Principal.
For each subject, adequate numbers of question papers are available in sealed packets. Question papers are in packets of 50’s, 20’s or 10’s depending on the total number of questions. The questions for particular subject will be packed in a single envelope. The name of the paper is written on the envelope.
Question Paper packet will be opened by the Principal in presence of the external Supervisor 30 minutes before the examination. |
The unused question papers are to be counted, packed and returned to the University along with Answer book packet separately. |
Answer books are available in sealed packets of 100, 50 and 20. The answer book cover page print colour is same for a paper and different for other papers. The colour and the serial numbers of the answer books are specified on the packet. Colour code for each paper will be supplied by the University in a sealed packed. The answer book packets will be opened by the Principal in the presence of the external supervisor 30 minutes before examination. The remaining packets will be kept in safe place for use in subsequent examinations.
No mix up of Answer book is permitted. |
Answer books will be distributed 10 minutes before the examination. |
Unused Answer books should be counted and sealed within one hour of starting the examination. |
The Principal is requested to take the assistance of Local Police for smooth conduct of the examination if required. |
Roll List of students, permitted to appear at an examination will be sent along with examination material and the same will also be available on our official website two / three days before the examination. |
Only the listed students with University Registration Card as their Identity will be allowed to appear at examination. |
Sitting Arrangement / Invigilation |
The gap between the two students in a row has to be minimum 3 feet and between rows, the gap has to be also minimum of 3 feet.
Gallery halls, if any, should not be used for conducting examination. |
Depending on the room size, the number of candidates per room will be limited to 20, 40 or 60. |
Sitting arrangement will be made serially according to the registration number. The attendance sheet will be provided by the University accordingly.
The registration number of eligible students must be pasted on the respective allotted desk in the examination hall. |
A list containing the Room No., No. of students in the room with sitting arrangement, Names of the Invigilator for each paper shall be sent to the University.
For every 20 students, there will be an invigilator, who must be a registered teacher of the University. |
All the Invigilators must remain in the examination hall for the entire period of 3 hours. Further, the invigilators are advised to move around in the hall.
Each College may have 10% reliever Invigilators. |
Conduct of Examination |
A Student must enter the hall not earlier than 10 minutes from the scheduled starting hour. |
He / She is not allowed to take anything except Pen / Pencil / Non - programmable Calculator besides his / her admit cards (issued by college) and University Registration Card. |
Mobile Phone is strictly prohibited inside examination hall. |
Students are not allowed to talk to each other in the examination hall. |
No exchange of question papers / calculators is allowed. |
In case a student has any doubt he / she should stand up to draw the attention of invigilator. |
Invigilators or any other teacher will not help any candidate in explaining the questions or in giving any hint. |
Attendance |
Each page of the Roll list contains names and Registration numbers of at most 20 students. |
The Invigilators are required to take attendance of the students after checking the University Registration Card and the admit card of the student.
The Invigilator must mark the Absentee student with “ABSENT” (in Capital letters; preferably in red ink) against his / her name.
The counts of student present and students absent in each sheet should be recorded and signed by Invigilator(s) on attendance sheet. |
No student should be allowed to go with question paper to toilet. No more than one student should be allowed to leave for toilet at any time. One can go to toilet at best twice during a sitting of examination. No student will be allowed to go to toilet in the last 30 minutes.
No student should be allowed to enter the examination hall after 30 minutes of commencement of examination. No student should be allowed to leave the hall before one hour. A Student leaving after one hour must submit his / her question paper and answer book to the Invigilator.
Collection, Packing and Forwarding of Answer Sheets
All students must tie the additional sheets and submit the same at the end. |
The Invigilators shall arrange the answer books serially according to Registration numbers tie the answer books of the students into bundles of 50 (or part thereof). The starting and end registration number of the answer sheets and total numbers contained are to be mentioned on the cover page of the packet clearly.
The External Supervisor and the Principal must ensure that the Answer books are matched with attendance sheet and packed and sealed immediately after the examination. The attendance sheets should also be packed separately in a cloth lined A3/A4 size envelope and duly sealed. It must accompany a certificate from the Centre Superintendent.