No.BPUT/5455/07 Dated 29/10/2007    

For All Under Graduate (B.Tech., B.Pharm. & BHMCT) Programmes
  • For promotion from 1st year to 2nd year
    A student at the end of the first year (inclusive of first and second semesters) having a CGPA of 4.50 or more is eligible for promotion to second year, regardless of the number of failed subjects.
(To be implemented immediately)
    A student with a CGPA of less than 4.50may choose to quit; or  pursue studies after registering as a fresh student in the first year. If the registered student in the new 1st year once again fails to secure a CGPA of at least 4.50 at the end of the second semester, he/she has to quit the BPUT system.
(All students whose CGPA after the recent Supplementary Examination of 2007 is lower than 4.50,
may either quit or register as fresh students of 2007, if they want to continue studies, along with the
Special Batch of students(following Second JEE) for whom the classes will start from Nov. 12,2007
. The
list of such students will be communicated through the University website  in 2-3 days.)

  • For promotion from 2nd year to 3rd year

(To be effective from the Autumn Semester onwards of 2007)

    If a student of 2nd year has a SGPA of lower than 4.50 in three consecutive semesters(i.e.  including those of 1st  year) he/she has to quit the BPUT system. All other students of 2nd year are eligible for promotion to 3rd year.
(As of now, all students from 2nd  year shall be declared promoted to 3rd year)
  • For promotion from 3rd year to 4th year

(To be effective from the Autumn Semester onwards of 2007)

    If a student of 3rd year has a SGPA of lower than 4.50 in three consecutive semesters(i.e.  including those of 2nd year), he/she has to quit the BPUT system. All other students of 3rd year are eligiblefor promotionto 4th year.
(As of now, all students from 3rd year shall be declared promoted to 4th year)
  • Each Lab / sessional paper and a theory paper treated as a subject.
  • During the course of study, a student can register for a maximum of three backlog subjects (with requisite attendance in those subjects) of the lower semesters, preference being given to the lowest possible semester; in addition to the prescribed subjects for that specific semester.
  • During any time in the course of study (1st to 8th semester), a student will not be permitted to register in a higher semester subjects if he/she does not have the requisite attendance in the immediate lower semester.
  • If a student does not secure a pass grade in Lab / Sessional subject, he/she has to clear the same in accordance with the laid down procedure in the Academic Regulations.
  • The student once registered for a set of backlog subjects cannot change them during the semester.
  • After completing the 8th Semester, a student may register in any number of subjects and attempt to clear them during appropriate semester examinations.
  • If the college could accommodate in the time-table, a student if he/she desires may attend the classes for backlog registered subjects and the revised class test marks will then be considered. For a student who would not attend the classes, the class test marks already recorded for these backlog subjects would remain valid till he/she is registered with BPUT. ]
  • Registration for the Special Examination

    There shall be No Supplementary Examination; however, there shall be only one Special Examination after the 8th Semester examination for 7th and 8th semester subjects. Students, after completion of 8th Semester, can register in any number of subjects for the Special examination as per their syllabus of 7th and 8th semesters only. The Special Examination will start from 30th June of every year. There shall not be any re-valuation for any subject of the Special Examination.

(This year’s already concluded Supplementary Examination is to be counted as the
Special Examination for the 7th and 8th semesters of 2007)
  • Pre-requisite Subjects

    The group of pre-requisite subjects will be notified for registration from the academic sessions 2008-09.